Il present perfect simple si forma con il presente del verbo to have + il past participle del verbo dell'azione che si compie. Il present perfect continuous si ...
He has passed his driving test. e.g. She has been reading a book. The broad rule is that although both tenses relate to the fact that something is being referred to in the past, the present perfect refers to something that has finished, but the present perfect continuous refers to something that is continuing in the present.
Present Perfect Simple vs Continuos. Es. "I've been cooking." Significa che ho cucinato e che sto continuando a farlo. Es. I've been playing all day. (So,for example,I'm tired). Ho giocato tutto ...
Aug 17, 2011 · Present Continuous and Present Perfect Continuous are two grammatical terms used in English grammar. They have to be understood and used with difference. This is because of the fact that they differ from each other to some extent. Present continuous is a tense form that denotes the action that is still going on. Look at the two sentences, 1.
Present Perfect Simple e Continuous: differenze. La regola generale per capire quando usare il Present Perfect Simple e quando il Present Perfect Continuous è che il primo si concentra sul risultato di un’attività, mentre il secondo sulla sua durata. Es. He has repaired the car.
Nov 22, 2012 · Temporary and permanent The present perfect continuous tense is used to talk about more temporary actions and situations; the present perfect tense is used to talk about longer-lasting or permanent situations. That boy has been standing at the gate for hours. (Temporary action or situation) The temple has stood on the hill for hundreds of years.
Another difference between the present perfect and the present perfect continuous is when we want to show whether something is completed or not. The continuous tense shows that it is not completed. Compare these: He's read the book about JFK (the book is finished) He's been reading the book about JFK (the book's still being read)
Present Perfect Continuous · per attività che sono finite di recente (nel passato) o appena terminate. Come per il present perfect, vi è una stretta connessione ...
Come combinare tutti questi tempi verbali? · il present perfect è il tempo più vicino al presente · il past simple e il past continuous descrivono azioni concluse ...
Jan 28, 2016 · The main difference between present perfect and present perfect continuous is that present perfect indicates that the action is completed whereas present perfect continuous indicates that the action is still going on. What is Present Perfect Present perfect indicates that an action is completed.
Present Perfect Continuous · Per azioni che sono finite in un passato recente o che sono appena terminate. Come per il Present Perfect, anche per il Present ...
01.02.2012 · Hanno discusso del problema per mesi e non hanno ancora trovato una soluzione. Nota bene l’uso del Present Perfect e del Present Perfect Continuous: They’ve been talking for months -> attenzione sull’azione -> Present Perfect Continuous. They haven’t found a solution -> attenzione sul risultato dell’azione -> Present Perfect.
22.11.2012 · Temporary and permanent. The present perfect continuous tense is used to talk about more temporary actions and situations; the present perfect tense is used to talk about longer-lasting or permanent situations. That boy has been standing at the gate for hours. (Temporary action or situation) The temple has stood on the hill for hundreds of years.
17.08.2011 · please correct this description of present perfect continuous tense, as it is used to distinguish an action that had started in the past , but is still in progress at present. your description says that “it indicates the actions that were …
Present Perfect Continuous. Il present perfect continuous è la forma continuativa del passato prossimo inglese. Essa viene utilizzata per indicare un’attività che è terminata in questo momento o poco prima. Anche in questo caso, l’azione ha una correlazione con il momento attuale. La sua costruzione prevede l’uso del presente del verbo ...
Il present perfect continuous è la forma continuativa del passato prossimo inglese. Essa viene utilizzata per indicare un'attività che è terminata in questo ...
Scegliere tra present perfect e present perfect continuous. Esiste una bella differenza tra i due tempi verbali. Il primo è interamente focalizzato sul risultato di un evento. Si riferisce esplicitamente ad un’azione che si è conclusa nel passato. Il present continuous, invece, si focalizza sull’atto in sé e per sé.
He's been working at our company since 2009. Sometimes, there is a difference in meaning: 1: The present perfect continuous can be used to emphasise the length of time that has passed. The present perfect simple is generally neutral: They've been waiting for hours! (This emphasises the length of time). They've waited for hours.