Na tej stronie znajdziesz pełną listę ćwiczeń gramatycznych z kategorii Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous. Jeśli potrafisz wykonać te ćwiczenia, ...
Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous - Ćwiczenie nr.1; Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous - Ćwiczenie nr.1, test z języka angielskiego Ćwiczenie 1: Test zawiera pytania z zakresu nauki czasów Present Perfect i Present Perfect Continues.
Present perfect, present simple, present continuous czy past simple? Wybierz odpowiednią odpowiedź tak, by uzyskać logiczne i poprawne gramatycznie zdanie, używając czasów present perfect, present simple, present continuous i past simple. Poziom: Pre-intermediate. Test rozwiązano 28666 razy. Średni wynik: 55,69 % . AddThis. Rozwiąż test.
Ćwiczenia z porównania czasów Present Perfect i Present Perfect Continuous w języku angielskim. Poznaj bogatą bazę ćwiczeń z czasów angielskich ze Speak Up.
Present perfect simple i continuous – test 1, exercise 5 Use the verbs in brackets in present perfect simple or continuous. clear We can go home. We (mend) three cars today. We (mend) cars since 1 o'clock and we aren't finished. Fortunately, I (find) my credit card. Here it is. I (look for) my keys since we came home. Where are they?!
Present Perfect - zastosowanie - Ćwiczenia i testy interaktywne z języka angielskiego. Polecenie: Present perfect or present perfect continuous? Provide the correct form of the verb.
Szybkie ćwiczenie polegające na wybraniu prawidłowej odpowiedzi. Present perfect: simple vs. continuous. średnie. Present perfect: simple vs. continuous (średnie) 62 Zadania. Wybrane przykłady. It seems he _. He seems energized. You _ that book for a long time.
czas Present Perfect Continuous - Ćwiczenia i testy interaktywne z języka angielskiego. Polecenie: Complete the sentences using Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous Exercise 1. Choose the present perfect simple or continuous. Click here to review how to make the present perfect. Click here to review how to make the present perfect continuous. Click here to return to the list of English grammar exercises. Download this exercise in PDF.
Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous. Share Share by Mashaskor. English. Like. Edit Content. Embed. More. Log in required. Theme. Fonts: Log in required. Options. Leaderboard. Show more Show less . This leaderboard is currently private. Click Share to make it public. This leaderboard has been ...
Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous Ćwiczenie online Uzupełnij podane zdania w czasie present perfect lub present perfect continuous. 1. I have (repair) my car all day and now I'm tired. 2. I have (finish) my duties, now I'm going to play with my dog. 3. What have you (do) with my book? It's dirty! 4.