Simple past vs present perfect - test 1. Simple past vs present perfect - test 2. Simple past vs present perfect - test 3. Past tense and present perfect. Past simple or present perfect.
Going to, Present Continuous and Present Perfect. Past or present perfect. Simple past - present perfect. How long - present perfect questions. Present perfect irregular forms #. Present perfect or past tense #. Present perfect vs past simple. Present perfect or past simple.
Present Perfect Simple Presentation. PRESENT PERFECT. JUST- YET - STILL - ALREADY. PRESENT PERFECT VS PAST SIMPLE. Video: Present perfect vs Past simple. IRREGULAR VERBS LIST. Video: for and since. Grammar reference and practice (in Catalan) - Unit 2. Songs in the Present Perfect. Tedxteens: Why I live a zero waste life - Lauren Singer. YOU CAN ...
Past perfect vs. simple past. Grade/level: Pre- intermediate. by epavon. The present perfect or the past simple. Grade/level: Form6. by marjemee. Present Perfect with for since already yet just or Past Simple. Grade/level: Pre Intermediate. by olgastruzh.