Present simple or present continuous English grammar exercises. Intermediate grammar exercises. Present simple and progressive. Dynamic and static verbs.
Sep 04, 2009 · The present continuous is used to express an action or a state that is happening at the time of speaking. The action is not finished. e.g. I'm currently working a research project. Use of the present simple (I do) The present simple is used to express things in general or things that happen as habits. e.g. I work in an office.
Present simple and progressive. Positive and negative sentences. Sit / am sitting - exercises. Rain / is raining - exercises. Go / am going - exercises. Present simple or progressive 4. Present simple or progressive 5. Present simple or progressive 7. Present continuous dialogue.
Present simple vs present continuous – use . Download full-size image from Pinterest . Present simple use . Habits or situations that happen regularly We use the present simple to talk about actions that we do (o we don’t do) regularly: I wash my hair every day. I never go to the library. I sometimes go to the library.
04.09.2009 · Present Simple vs Present Continuous: State verbs and action verbs. There are some verbs that we never or rarely use in the present continuous form (also true for the other tenses i.e. past, present perfect, future, etc.).
Present simple vs present continuous exercise on the present ID: 2080181 Language: English School subject: present simple and present continous Grade/level: pre intermediate Age: 12+ Main content: English grammar Other contents: Add to my workbooks (0) Download file pdf Embed in my website or blog
3 Exercises at B1 Intermediate / A2 Elementary / A1 Beginner Levels. Exercise 1: Multiple Choice Present Simple or Continuous. B1 Intermedate Level. /30. 491. Present Simple or Present Continuous B1 Intermediate. Test the difference between the Present Simple and the Present Continuous in English with this quiz. 1 / 30.
Exercises on Present Simple & Present Continuous · I (brush) my teeth every morning and night. My brother also (brush) his teeth too. · Right now, my brother (do) ...
Present simple vs present continuous – use . Download full-size image from Pinterest . Present simple use . Habits or situations that happen regularly We use the present simple to talk about actions that we do (o we don’t do) regularly: I wash my hair every day. I never go to the library. I sometimes go to the library.
3 Exercises at B1 Intermediate / A2 Elementary / A1 Beginner Levels Exercise 1: Multiple Choice Present Simple or Continuous. B1 Intermedate Level /30. Present Simple or Present Continuous B1 Intermediate. Test the difference between the Present Simple and the Present Continuous in English with this quiz.
ESL Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Worksheet - Writing Exercises - Pre-intermediate (A2-B1) - 30 minutes. Here is a story-based worksheet to help students practice the present simple and present continuous. Students begin by reading the first part of the story and then answering questions about it using the present simple.
Present simple and progressive. Positive and negative sentences. Sit / am sitting - exercises. Rain / is raining - exercises. Go / am going - exercises. Present simple or progressive 4. Present simple or progressive 5. Present simple or progressive 7. Present continuous dialogue.