Tenses: Simple Present and Simple Past
wps.pearsoned.com › Cornerstone_4-TensesPronoun Simple form of verb Verb form in present tense 1. I, we, you, they sing, work sing, work 2. he, she, it sing, work 3. he, she, it make, arrive 4. he, she, it ferry, carry 5. he, she, it fix, push 6. he, she, it play, pray Simple Past Tense Read these sentences carefully. What is common to the highlighted verbs?
grammar section Present tenses
assets.cambridge.org › 9781107481060_excerpt4 Look at your answers to Exercise 3 and answer these questions. 1 Look at answers 2 and 6. What tense are they? 2 Look at answers 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7. What tense are they? 3 Which sentences are about regular actions? 4 Which sentences are about actions at or around the time of speaking? 5 Look at answer 8. Does it fit the pattern? A Lisa Millie 12