DNS - DNS Primary Server Listed At Parent
mxtoolbox.com › problem › dnsThe Primary Name Server is the name server declared in your SOA file and is usually the name server that reads your records from zone files and is responsible for distributing that data to your secondary name servers. This problem is present when this primary name server is not included in the parent referrals and is almost always accompanied by a Local Parent Mismatch problem.
Name server - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_serverThe Internet maintains two principal namespaces: the domain name hierarchy and the IP address system. The Domain Name System maintains the domain namespace and provides translation services between these two namespaces. Internet name servers implement the Domain Name System. The top hierarchy of the Domain Name System is served by the root name servers maintained by delegation by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN)…
Primary and secondary Nameservers
www.powerdns.net › en › faqWhat is a primary or secondary Nameserver? Theoretically domain names can work with only one name server we call this the primary DNS. However, imagine what happens if this DNS goes offline? There are enough examples where a domain name needed at least two name servers assigned in order to be available at any time.