Standard Phonetic Alphabet - SAFA › Standard_Phonetic_AlphabetStandard Phonetic Alphabet Used in VHF Radio Communications Word *Spoken as Word *Spoken as A - ALFA AL FAH O - OSCAR OSS CAH B - BRAVO BRAH VOH P - PAPA PAH PAH C - CHARLIE CHAR LEE Q - QUEBEC KEH BECK D - DELTA DELL TAH R - ROMEO ROW ME OH E - ECHO ECH OH S - SIERRA SEE AIR RAH F - FOXTROT FOKS TROT T - TANGO TANG GO
Phoentic alphabet › raf-phonetic-alphabetPhoentic alphabet The phonetic alphabet helps us tell letters apart when we’re communicating. Letter Code word Letter Code word A Alpha N November B Bravo O Oscar C Charlie P Papa D Delta Q Quebec E Echo R Romeo F Foxtrot S Sierra G Golf T Tango H Hotel U Uniform I India V Victor J Juliett W Whiskey K Kilo X X-ray L Lima Y Yankee M Mike Z Zulu
THE PHONETIC ALPHABET PHONETIC ALPHABET . The phonetic alphabet should be used for clarification of a spelling or when a series of digits and letters is given. Similarly, there is a standard method of pronouncing numbers to ensure that precision in verbal data transmissions is assured. The phonetic alphabet is used by the emergency services and could be used in ...