14 Sources of Competitive Advantage | Partners Creating Growth
www.partnerscreatinggrowth.com › 14-sources-of-competitiveMoorman, Christine and Anne S. Miner (1998), “The Convergenceof Planning and Execution: Improvisation in New Product Development,” Journal of Marketing, 62 (July), 1–20. Ellis, Paul D. (2007), “Distance, Dependence and Diversity of Markets: Effects on Market Orientation,” Journal of International Business Studies, 38 (3), 374–86.
郭海 - 全职教师 - 人大商学院 | RMBS
www.rmbs.ruc.edu.cn › show-77/481/118. Zelong Wei, Yaqun Yi, and Hai Guo. Organizational learning ambidexterity, strategic flexibility, and new product development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2014, 31(4): 832-847. 19. Heng Liu, Xiuhao Ding, Hai Guo and Jinhui Luo.
Project management research : experiences and perspectives
www.pmi.org › learning › libraryJun 24, 2000 · Dr. Wilemon shares his view of some of the early issues examined by researchers and how these studies have helped explain some of the managerial and theoretical foundations of project management. He also discusses four areas that should prove productive for current and future researchers: project team performance assessment, stress in project management project partnering/alliances, and ...