PROGRAMMING IN MATHEMATICA, A PROBLEM-CENTRED APPROACH › 13lecturesPROGRAMMING IN MATHEMATICA, A PROBLEM-CENTRED APPROACH 7 1.3. Algebraic computations. One of the abilities of Mathematica is to handle symbolic com-putations. Consider the expression (x+1)2. One can use Mathematica to expand this expression: Expand[(x+1)^2] 1+2x+x2 Mathematica can also do the inverse of this task, namely to factorize an expression:
Functional Programming in Mathematica › FunctionalProgrammingFunctional programming is a programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical func-tions and avoids state and mutable data. It emphasizes the application of functions, in contrast with the imperative programming style that emphasizes changes in state. General philosophy: Everything is a function Clear[y]; y = Sqrt[4] 2
PROGRAMMING IN MATHEMATICA, A PROBLEM-CENTRED … IN MATHEMATICA, A PROBLEM-CENTRED APPROACH 7 1.3. Algebraic computations. One of the abilities of Mathematica is to handle symbolic com-putations. Consider the expression (x+1)2. One can use Mathematica to expand this expression: Expand[(x+1)^2] 1+2x+x2 Mathematica can also do the inverse of this task, namely to factorize an expression: