Adding Targets to Prometheus – Awnix › adding-targets-to-prometheusJul 14, 2021 · In this tutorial, you’re going to learn how to set up and add targets to Prometheus via Kubernetes. Don’t worry, it’s totally not complicated, and there are just a few super easy steps to cover. However, for learning’s sake, we’ll also be going over configuration maps, target formatting, and how to add the targets to your config map.
Adding Targets to Prometheus – Awnix · Prometheus Configuration Map Adding targets to your configuration map means that you basically have to edit the map. You’ll have to channel the great explorers of the world while you do this. It doesn’t help, but it feels cool! Your config map’s name should be the same one you used when you first installed Prometheus.
HTTPS and authentication | Prometheus › docs › prometheusHTTPS and authentication Prometheus supports basic authentication and TLS. This is experimental and might change in the future. To specify which web configuration file to load, use the --web.config.file flag. The file is written in YAML format , defined by the scheme described below. Brackets indicate that a parameter is optional.