26.01.2021 · In order to log in Grafana first you need to get the credentials (admin/admin didn't work for me). Discovering the password 🔍 The user is admin and the password can be found with the following command kubectl get secret grafana -o jsonpath=" {.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
Feb 02, 2018 · kube-prometheus After run hack/cluster-monitoring/deploy We should be able to reach Grafana on node port 30902 I am wondering what's the Grafana default password for admin user? Not able to log...
Jan 26, 2021 · Discovering the password 🔍. The user is admin and the password can be found with the following command kubectl get secret grafana -o jsonpath=" {.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo. I found the command looking into some github issues and I took me some time, so I hope this is useful to someone else.
Set the remote_write URL corresponding to Grafana Cloud's Prometheus metrics endpoint. You can find the /api/prom/push URL, username, and password for your ...
Configuring remote_write with Prometheus Operator. This guide assumes you have either Prometheus Operator or kube-prometheus installed and running in your Kubernetes cluster. Prometheus Operator is a sub-component of the kube-prometheus stack.
Step 1 — Install Prometheus Operator. We’ll start by installing Prometheus Operator into the Kubernetes cluster. We’ll install all of Prometheus Operator’s Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) that define the Prometheus, Alertmanager, and ServiceMonitor abstractions used to configure the monitoring stack.
Step 1 — Install Prometheus Operator. We’ll start by installing Prometheus Operator into the Kubernetes cluster. We’ll install all of Prometheus Operator’s Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs) that define the Prometheus, Alertmanager, and ServiceMonitor abstractions used to configure the monitoring stack.
An important distinction however is that the Grafana default password will be different. At time of writing the default password is prom-operator rather than admin as it is in kube-prometheus. The default password can be discovered in the prometheus-operator-grafana secret through base64 decoding.
03.01.2019 · The default password for just grafana still remains admin to this day. – Baklap4. Oct 18 at 8:28. Add a comment | 41 If you are using Prometheus Operator then user/pass is: user: admin pass: prom-operator Install prometheus-operator using helm:
Oct 25, 2021 · Enter the default username: admin and password: prom-operator which you can find in this prometheus-operator Github repo to access Grafana. After adding these credentials, you would be able to logged-in to Grafana as below:
02.02.2018 · kube-prometheus After run hack/cluster-monitoring/deploy We should be able to reach Grafana on node port 30902 I am wondering what's the Grafana default password for admin user? Not able to login with admin/admin thanks -Eric