Configuring remote_write with Prometheus Operator | Grafana Labs › prometheus › remote_write_operatorThe Prometheus Operator provides a set of Kubernetes Custom Resources that simplify Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanagemer deployment and configuration. For example, using the ServiceMonitor Custom Resource, you can configure how groups of Kubernetes services should be monitored in YAML manifests. The Operator controller will then communicate with the K8s API server to monitor Service endpoints and automatically generate the required Prometheus scrape configurations for the configured Services.
Prometheus Rules and Grafana Dashboards - Prometheus Operator › docs › developingCreate Prometheus Rules and Grafana Dashboards on top of kube-prometheus. kube-prometheus ships with a set of default Prometheus rules and Grafana dashboards. At some point one might like to extend them, the purpose of this document is to explain how to do this. All manifests of kube-prometheus are generated using jsonnet and Prometheus rules and Grafana dashboards in specific follow the Prometheus Monitoring Mixins proposal.