How you can install windows_eporter to collect data for this dashboard: Download latest version of windows_exporter from here (download .msi file) Open up a command prompt with administrator privileges ( Run as administrator) Change your directory where you've downloaded .msi file at. Run below command :
25.02.2021 · The exporter has been renamed to windows_exporter, and moved to the prometheus-community organization (see #519 ). This includes changing the metrics' name prefixes from wmi_ to windows_, meaning that all queries need to be changed to match the new names. For example, windows_cpu_time_total replaces wmi_cpu_time_total.
The Windows exporter (former WMI exporter) offers metrics for instances running Windows operative systems. It has a series of different collectors that ...
Simple server that scrapes HAProxy stats and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption prometheus/haproxy_exporter 0.13.0 / 2021-11-26 Release notes File name
Simple server that scrapes HAProxy stats and exports them via HTTP for Prometheus consumption prometheus/haproxy_exporter 0.13.0 / 2021-11-26 Release notes File name
The installer will setup the windows_exporter as a Windows service, as well as create an exception in the Windows Firewall. If the installer is run without any parameters, the exporter will run with default settings for enabled collectors, ports, etc. The following parameters are available: The IP address to bind to.
Oct 18, 2018 · Setting up a Prometheus exporter on Windows. ... In our case, many of the hosts are Windows instances, on AWS. So, in this case, we have decided to use the wmi_exporter, ...