Pronouns (Grammar) grammar, a pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. 'He,' 'she,' 'it,' 'we,' and 'they' are all examples of pronouns. These are personal pronouns, but there are nine different types of pronouns. This page has lots of examples of each type, an explainer video, and an interactive test.
Pronouns: Complete Guide to Pronoun Grammar Rules | Grammarly ... › blog › pronounsNov 24, 2021 · Who is a subject pronoun. It’s in the same category as I, he, she, they, and we. Whom is an object pronoun, which puts it in the same category as me, him, her, them, and us. An easy way to determine whether you should use who or whom in a sentence is to answer the sentence’s question by substituting another pronoun.
Pronoun Examples and Rules - The Blue Book of Grammar ... › ...A pronoun (I, me, he, she, herself, you, it, that, they, each, few, many, who, whoever, whose, someone, everybody, etc.) is a word that takes the place of a ...
Pronoun - Wikipedia linguistics and grammar, a pronoun (abbreviated PRO) is a word or a group of words that one may substitute for a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns have traditionally been regarded as one of the parts of speech, but some modern theorists would not consider them to form a single class, in view of the variety of functions they perform cross-linguistically. An example of a pronoun is "you", which is both plural and singular. …