Dutch pronouns - coLanguage
www.colanguage.com › dutch-pronounsDemonstrative pronouns (aanwijzend voornaamwoord) The Dutch demonstrative pronouns are 'dit' (this), 'dat' (that), 'deze' (this, these) and 'die' (that, those). The dependent demonstrative pronoun refers to a specific person or object. The independent demonstrative pronoun leaves out the noun. Deze tafel is groen.
Dutch Pronouns - mylanguages.org
mylanguages.org › dutch_pronounsEnglish Pronouns Dutch Pronouns; Pronouns: Voornaamwoorden: I: ik: you: jij/je/u (formal) he: hij: she: zij/ze: we: wij/we: they: zij: me: mij/me: you: jou/uw (formal) him: hem: her: haar: us: ons: them: hen: my: mijn: your: jouw/uw (formal) his: zijn: her: haar: our: onze: their: hun: mine: van mij: yours: van jou/van u (formal) his: van hem: hers: van haar: ours: van ons: theirs: van hun
Dutch Grammar • Dutch pronouns
https://www.dutchgrammar.com/en/?n=Pronouns.01Pronominal adverb Before you learn about the nine types of Dutch pronouns, we must discuss a phenomenon, which is very common in Dutch: The pronominal adverb. Examples of English pronominal adverbs are 'thereof' or 'wherein' (instead of 'of that' and 'in which'). In English, they have become quite uncommon and you can perfectly do without them.
Dutch Grammar • Dutch pronouns
https://www.dutchgrammar.com › ...personal. I, me, you, he, him, she, her, etc. possessive my, mine, your, yours, our, etc. reflexive ; reciprocal we see each other, interrogative
Dutch pronouns - Dutch grammar
www.dutchgrammar.com › enIf you are seriously into studying Dutch, I advise you to read everything but otherwise, simply glance through the pages and use this chapter as a reference. personal. I, me, you, he, him, she, her, etc. possessive. my, mine, your, yours, our, etc. reflexive.
Dutch pronouns | coLanguage
https://www.colanguage.com/dutch-pronounsThe Dutch language has four main pronouns: personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns. These pronouns differ in when they are used, but also have different forms such as stressed and unstressed. When to use which, will be described in detail in the subchapters. Lesson outline Hide 1. Definition of pronouns 2.
Dutch Pronouns with Pronunciation - ielanguages.com
ielanguages.com › dutch-pronounsDutch Pronouns with Pronunciation - Learn how to say I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us, they, and them in Dutch Dutch Pronouns with Pronunciation - ielanguages.com Toggle navigation
Dutch Pronouns with Pronunciation - ielanguages.com
https://ielanguages.com › dutch-pr...Dutch Subject and Object Pronouns ; I, ik ('k), me ; you (singular familiar), jij (je), you ; you (singular formal), u, you ; he, hij, him ; she, zij (ze), her ...