GPU passthrough with Intel 11th Gen : Proxmox › r › ProxmoxConfig 2: proxmox vm Ubuntu with 16 vcores, 16gb ram — time = 3.94 seconds. Config 3: proxmox LXC Ubuntu with 16 vcores, 16gb ram — time =6.2 seconds. Now yes the cores and memory vary but I don’t think it should matter as the script is single core and really not memory bound. On all 3 machines it’s the same conda environment.
GPU passthrough on privileged LXC possible? : Proxmox › r › ProxmoxNew to proxmox and lxc. I'm trying to get my GPU into a LXC privileged container so I can utilize my graphics card and mount cifs/samba share without jumping through hoops. I've managed to get the graphics card passed through in an unprivileged container, but I can't get rw permissions and groups set up properly in the unprivileged container.
Pci passthrough - Proxmox VE › wiki › Pci_passthroughIntroduction. PCI passthrough allows you to use a physical PCI device (graphics card, network card) inside a VM (KVM virtualization only). If you "PCI passthrough" a device, the device is not available to the host anymore. Note: PCI passthrough is an experimental feature in Proxmox VE.