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proxmox nextcloud nfs

Proxmox VE + OpenMediaVault + NextCloud【图文】_余伟 …
27.06.2020 · Proxmox VE + OpenMediaVault + NextCloud【图文】,最近在考虑在PVE上使用开源云盘,开源NAS,整合成一个完整的解决方案,目标是可以在生产系统上使用。结合桌面云,提供云盘和NAS功能,统一用户账号,就能提供一个完整的解决方案,还是比较有价值的。总体思路:1、在PVE上创建OMV虚拟机(OpenMediaVault)2 ...
NextCloud-Container with NFS-Share - Installation
https://help.nextcloud.com › nextcl...
Hello, I'm new with NextCloud and have a few questions/problems. I'm running ProxMox with a TrueNAS-VM and ReverseProxy-LXC.
Using proxmox-backup-client to backup 1.8 TB of nextcloud ...
https://forum.proxmox.com › usin...
This would mean that the VM would be in a constant backup-loop if i wanted daily backups. The nextcloud user files are on an nfs share (netapp) ...
NFS Share inside VM: Avoid backing up? - Proxmox forum
https://forum.proxmox.com › nfs-s...
I have Nextcloud inside a VM. I have a zfs dataset on a NAS that houses various software (isos, some php stuff I wrote, etc).
Seeking advice for best practices with qcow2 images : Proxmox
There's a Nextcloud VM and an NFS VM. All drives are connected to NFS VM and the only disk for the nextcloud VM is a 10gb drive for it's OS which is qcow2 formatted and mounted to the local ZFS pool on mirrored SSD's. I currently have a 1.5TB raw disk for my Nextcloud user data that is attached to my NFS VM through Proxmox.
Issues accessing NFS shares via NextCloud on a Proxmox ...
https://www.reddit.com › comments
Issues accessing NFS shares via NextCloud on a Proxmox LXC container. I've got an older Synology NAS that I'm trying to migrate all the ...
Nextcloud in VM or Container on Proxmox? : homelab
Go with an lxc container for everything Linux based on Proxmox. Saves a lot of VM overhead and doesn't really have any disadvantages. 2. level 2. Aelius27. · 1y. This ^^^ is also my proxmox usage pattern. Everything that runs on Linux goes in a LXC unless it is also hosting containers. I setup my docker stuff on a Linux VM, because containers ...
Issues accessing NFS shares via NextCloud on a Proxmox LXC ...
Issues accessing NFS shares via NextCloud on a Proxmox LXC container I've got an older Synology NAS that I'm trying to migrate all the various frontend services off (Drive, filesharing, etc) while keeping the data structure I've been using for years more or less in tact.
Proxmox + OwnCloud | ServeTheHome Forums
https://forums.servethehome.com › ...
I just set up an instance of NextCloud on Proxmox Container. ... Also, would the NFS throughput be enough to stream using Plex ?
nas, nextcloud, plex: questions on storage and backup
https://forum.proxmox.com › hom...
hello everyone, after a few years I am in the process of setting up a proxmox server again and wanted to ask for your opinion how I want to ...
Nextcloud im Proxmox LXC auf Debian 10 mit PHP-FPM und ...
07.03.2021 · Hallo! Heute beschäftige ich mich mit der Installation von Nextcloud in einem Proxmox LXC Container. Wir frühstücken das ganze aber in einer besonderen Konstellation ab. Bedeutet kurz und knapp wir installieren das ganze unter Debian 10 mit PHP-FPM hinter einem Nginx Reverse Proxy und einer seperaten MySQL Datenbank. In diesem Fall wird der Reverse …
Nextcloud hdd setup | Proxmox Support Forum
https://forum.proxmox.com › next...
I use NFS for my Nextcloud so different hosts/guests can access the same files. And yes, you could increase the size of a virtual HDD later but ...
Nextcloud on Docker on VM on Proxmox : Proxmox
Alas, my install is local and all my NC files are on a TrueNAS server, mounted via NFS to the docker host, and shared as a volume with NC. I use Traefik and Portainer as well (the docker host, a proxmox VM, runs 26 containers including grafana, minecraft, nzbhydra, sabnzbd, radarr, etc.) but hardly ever really do much with Portainer.
NFS Share in previligiertem Lxc Container einbinden
https://forum.proxmox.com › nfs-s...
Der Container ist gestartet, aber ich habe keine Ahnung, was wohin dann gemountet wird und ich habe weder in Proxmox noch im Nextcloud Container ...
NextCloud LXC Setup Questions : Proxmox - reddit
I have Proxmox w/ a Ubuntu VM, and I want to put NextCloud on it. Doesn't matter very much if it's running in a container in the VM or not. Do you have an entire drive owned (I'm not sure if own is the right word) by that Ubuntu VM? I'm not entirely sure how to …
TrueNAS NFS for Proxmox - Cloud | Mobile | Edge
07.06.2021 · TrueNAS NFS for Proxmox Jared Rhodes Home Lab June 7, 2021 April 8, 2021 4 Minutes While setting the server closet at the office, the …
[SOLVED] - Cannot backup only LXC to NFS, VM works
https://forum.proxmox.com › cann...
The Proxmox community has been around for many years and offers help and support for Proxmox VE, Proxmox Backup Server, and Proxmox Mail Gateway ...
Nextcloud im LXC - Datenverzeichnis als NFS einbinden ...
15.01.2021 · Das NFS Verzeichnis nextcloud-dmz soll auf dem Proxmox-Host und gleichnamig in dem LXC Container eingebunden werden. Wichtiger Hinweis: Der Mount liegt nicht dauerhaft im Verzeichnis, sondern wird immer tempörar beim Zugriff erzeugt. Siehe autofs.
Unprivileged container, bind mounts and Nextcloud - Proxmox ...
https://forum.proxmox.com › unpr...
The way I set it up in the host is as an NFS share ... use the other disks in the Proxmox server for the Nextcloud data directory -- However ...
How to setup an NFS Server and configure NFS Storage in ...
The NFS configuration on the server is finished, and now we can move to the next stage, configure proxmox to use NFS. Step 3 - Configure Proxmox to use NFS Storage. I'll have a proxmox server with IP, installed with this tutorial. Login to the proxmox server from the web browser: