No Disk Unsed | Proxmox Support Forum › threads › no-disk-unsedAug 09, 2019 · Hi. I have installed a new proxmox server and when i try to create a ZFS or LVM it says "No Disk Unused" in devices list. These information are shown in my disk details from Proxmox web gui. Enabled: Yes. Active: Yes. Content : Disk image, ISO image, Container, Snippets, Container template. Type: Directory. Usage: 0.45% (2.07 GiB of 456.55 GiB)
No Disks Unused : Proxmox - reddit › comments › bn061hFrom shell you run 'fdisk -l' and it will list all disks and partitions. If the disks still have file systems on them, you will need to delete them. For example: fdisk /dev/sdb. p <to print current table> d <to delete a partition> w <to write changes to disk> Doing this will wipe the disks for proxmox to use.
No disks unused | Proxmox Support Forum › threads › no-disks-unusedJan 31, 2021 · Jan 31, 2021. #1. Hello, I installed proxmox multiple times today. I dont have raid turned on (had at first). I am running a smaller ssd for proxmox, 1 nvme ssd and 2 1tb hdd's that I want to run in raid 1. My problem is that it seems proxmox is taking all the storage available on the machine so there is nothing left to make a ZFS or directory.
No Disk Unsed | Proxmox Support Forum · I have installed a new proxmox server Is this at some hosting provider or did you install this on your own physical server via ISO? In your fdisk output you can see entries on /dev/sda as well as /dev/sdb. Consequently, no disk is unused. The reason for this is that your two SSDs form a RAID (which is also stated in the fdisk output). Nadir said: