OVMF/UEFI Boot Entries - Proxmox VE
https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/OVMF/UEFI_Boot_EntriesStart-up the VM and press ESC to get into the OVMF menu. Then "Boot Maintenance Manager" -> "Boot Options" -> "Add Boot Option" -> choose Disk with the Efi System Partition. Now find the EFI executable, for example for Debian: EFI/debian/grubx64.efi or for Fedora: EFI/fedora/shimx64-fedora.efi. Name it ("Input the description") and "Commit Change".
[Obsolete] Secure Boot for Windows Virtual Machines on ...
gareth.com › index › 2021/09/16Sep 16, 2021 · Proxmox and Secure Boot. Proxmox 7.x does not currently support Secure Boot but there has been a significant amount of work done to enable it in the underlying QEMU open source machine emulation and virtualization technology. This walkthrough leverages that work to provide an updated OVMF UEFI virtual machine bios and a Virtual TPM to support it.