Shrink Qcow2 Disk Files - Proxmox VE › wiki › Shrink_Qcow2_Disk_FilesShrink the Disk File. Shut down the VM. Log into the Proxmox node and go to the VM's disk storage directory. IMPORTANT: Create a backup of your existing VM disk file: cp image.qcow2 image.qcow2_backup. Option #1: Shrink your disk without compression (better performance, larger disk size): qemu-img convert -O qcow2 image.qcow2_backup image.qcow2.
Resize disks - Proxmox VE can resize your disks online or offline with command line: qm resize <vmid> <disk> <size>. exemple: to add 5G to your virtio0 disk on vmid100: qm resize 100 virtio0 +5G. For virtio disks: Linux should see the new size online without reboot with kernel >= 3.6. Windows should see the new size online without reboot with last virtio drivers.
shrink | Proxmox Support Forum › tags › shrinkApr 08, 2021 · Shrink / Reduce a volume with an LVM-XFS partition. I need to shrink a Proxmox-KVM raw volume with LVM and XFS. Now, XFS doesn't support shrinking as such. It's possible to hack around this with xfsdump and xfsrestore, but this would require 250G data to be copied offline, and that's more downtime than I like.
Shrink RAW disk | Proxmox Support Forum › threads › shrink-raw-diskMar 06, 2019 · 28. Mar 7, 2019. #2. Hi, it is possible although comes with some risks! If you already increased the file system and/or added new partitions on the disk you might loose data. Only if you know what you are doing you can reduce the size with qemu-img. See the section for resize in the `man qemu-img` man page. Toggle signature.
Resize disks - Proxmox VE › wiki › Resize_disksGuest is Windows 10: logon as administrator and extend the disk and filesystem (Using Disk manager). If you do not see the ability to extend the disk (i.e. nothing seems to have happened as a result of using the resize command), go to the Windows command prompt and do a: shutdown -s -t 0 (This is a "normal" shutdown, as opposed to the "fast ...
Proxmox VE – Resize your virtual Hard disks – Part I ... › blogNov 11, 2011 · If you have a recent Proxmox VE installation, you will see an option called resize. As the name implies, using this option will allow you to increase or shrink the size of the virtual disk in qcow2,raw or vmdk format. (that’s cool all supported format used by PVE). The command can be used as follow.