Storage - Proxmox VE this way thin provisioning allows you to create disk images which are larger than the currently available storage blocks. You can create large disk images for your VMs, and when the need arises, add more disks to your storage without resizing the VMs' file systems.
A guide to thin provisioning with Proxmox : Proxmox › r › ProxmoxEnabling thin provisioning means that when you delete something within a VM, the underlying storage space on the hypervisor host is also freed up. So if you delete 1GB from a VM, you get 1GB more free space on your Proxmox storage. The alternative is thick provisioning where the full potential disk size for a VM is allocated permanently.
Can't get zfs thin provisioning to work : Proxmox › r › ProxmoxI have thin provisioning turned on in Proxmox on the ZFS volume. When I install a VM, and then try to use the backup feature, it tries to backup 1TB even though the image is only 2GB. I tried this on the image which seems to have made it look like sparse on ZFS side, the used space went from 1000G to 2G. But backups still backup 1000G, it still ...