ProxyChains-NG - Penetration Testing Tools · How to install ProxyChains-NG. Installing in Debian, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Kali Linux. If you are going to use Tor as a proxy, start from installing Tor: sudo apt-get install torsocks tor. Append to the file /etc/tor/torrc the following strings: AutomapHostsOnResolve 1 DNSPort 53530 TransPort 9040
Online-iT How To Use Proxychains Kali Linux Ethical Hacking › how-to-use-proxychains-kali-linuxJul 15, 2019 · Proxychains is open source software for Linux systems and comes pre installed with Kali Linux, the tool redirect TCP connections through proxies like TOR, SOCKS and HTTP (S) and it allows us to chain proxy servers. With proxychains we can hide the IP address of the source traffic and evade IDS and firewalls. We can use use proxychains in alto of situations, like when we want to avoid giving up our IP address or when scanning a target or visiting a website.