Information for students | UiT card can also be used to print on demand through the PullPrint system. The first time you use the card to do this, you need to connect your card to your user account. Sending a printout from a UIT computer to the PullPrint printer will start the process. You will receive an automatically generated email with further instructions.
Utskrift: PullPrint | UiT › om › orakeletAug 17, 2016 · PullPrint er en utskriftstjeneste hvor du benytter ditt ID-kort ved UiT for å hente utskrift på skriveren. Les mer om denne tjenesten her. Datamaskinen din er ikke lengere knyttet opp mot en spesifik skriver, men kan benytte seg av alle skriverne på campus som støtter denne tjenesten.
My Print Center
mobile.print.iu.eduLast Name. Email Address. Confirm Email Address Note your email address will be used for login. Password. Confirm Password. Captcha loading... Enter the text above. Characters are case sensitive. * Indicates a required field.
Using the Library | UiT › ub › brukUiT The Arctic University of Norway is located in Northern Norway and has about 12000 students, 10 % of them international. The university has campuses in various towns in the region: Tromsø, Narvik, Harstad, Alta, Hammerfest, Kirkenes, Mo i Rana, Bodø, Bardufoss and Svalbard. UIT offers studies in the framework of exchange programmes such as ERASMUS, North2North, Nordplus, Barentsplus and ...
Pullprint – IT-hjelp UiB får du tilgang til Pullprint. Når du har fått brukerkonto på UiB har du tilgang til Pullprint automatisk. Ansatte kan skrive ut, kopiere osv. uten noen forberedelser. Forbruk vil bli belastet brukerens institutt/avdeling. For å logge inn med kortet på berøringsfrie kortlesere, må du først koble kortet ditt til PullPrint.
UTSKRIFT (!) | UiT › om › orakeletSep 20, 2016 · SAFECOM - PULLPRINT. UiT's primary print service is SAFECOM PULLPRINT. Using Pullprint, you link your ID-card to our print services. This lets you collect your documents at your leisure, and at any printer of your choosing. For more information, please consult: Printing - Safecom Pullprint.
Utskrift, kopiering og skanning | UiT › ub › vaarebibliotekAlle våre skrivere er tilknyttet PullPrint-løsningen ved UiT. Ved UiT benytter du ditt student-/ansattkort (ID-kort) eller logger på manuelt for å hente utskrift på våre skrivere. Dette forutsetter at du har en IT-brukerkonto ved UiT. Denne knytter du opp mot ditt kort slik at du kan logge inn på skriverne ved å vise dette til ...
Using the Library | UiT The Arctic University of Norway is located in Northern Norway and has about 12000 students, 10 % of them international. The university has campuses in various towns in the region: Tromsø, Narvik, Harstad, Alta, Hammerfest, Kirkenes, Mo i Rana, Bodø, Bardufoss and Svalbard. UIT offers studies in the framework of exchange programmes such as ERASMUS, North2North, Nordplus, …
UTSKRIFT (!) | UiT · SAFECOM - PULLPRINT. UiT's primary print service is SAFECOM PULLPRINT. Using Pullprint, you link your ID-card to our print services. This lets you collect your documents at your leisure, and at any printer of your choosing. For more information, please consult: Printing - Safecom Pullprint.
Brochure HP JetAdvantage- oplossingen › h20195 › v2Breid pullprint-mogelijkheden uit naar smartphones, tablets, laptops en andere mobiele apparatuur. Mobiele gebruikers kunnen documenten indienen via een native print-app voor iOS en Android™, of gewoonweg een e-mail met bijlagen versturen naar de gewenste printer.
Pullprint - IT-help UiB all UiB computer, Pullprint should be availble and configured as the default printer. Print to pullprint. Or you may use Mprint to print from anywhere using e-mail or web! Go to any printer or multifunction copier on UiB. Pull your card and select "Pullprint" on …