Python Examples of pyautogui.locateOnScreen › pyautoguipyautogui.useImageNotFoundException() with self.assertRaises(pyautogui.ImageNotFoundException): pyautogui.locate("100x100blueimage.png", "100x100redimage.png") # Commenting out the locateAll*() functions because they return generators, even if the image can't be found. Should they instead raise an exception?
Screenshot Functions — PyAutoGUI documentation › en › latestPyAutoGUI can take screenshots, save them to files, and locate images within the screen. This is useful if you have a small image of, say, a button that needs to be clicked and want to locate it on the screen. These features are provided by the PyScreeze module, which is installed with PyAutoGUI. Screenshot functionality requires the Pillow module.
Welcome to PyAutoGUI’s documentation! › en › latestWhen a PyAutoGUI function is called, if the mouse is in any of the four corners of the primary monitor, they will raise a pyautogui.FailSafeException. There is a one-tenth second delay after calling every PyAutoGUI functions to give the user time to slam the mouse into a corner to trigger the fail safe.