26.01.2017 · PyCharm does not see it when I try to do an import. If I run it directly in a script from the command line it works fine; I am running PyCharm 2017.3.3 Build PC-173.4301.16; Note: I am not an expert PyCharm user. Is there a project path I need to update in PyCharm? (I looked but could not find one)
I am able to chose the interpreter to be conda environment. But when I try using certain packages such as matplotlib it throws "Module not found error". When I ...
25.02.2015 · my_module is a folder not a module and you can't import a folder, try moving my_mod.py to the same folder as the cool_script.py and then doimport my_mod as mm.This is because python only looks in the current directory and sys.path, and so wont find my_mod.py unless it's in the same directory. Or you can look here for an answer telling you how to import …
since it is different directory from what pycharm knows hence your package is not showing in pycharm. Solution: just install the package using pycharm by going to File->Settings->Project->Project Interpreter -> click on (+) and search the package you want to install and just click ok.
I have installed Anaconda 3 and pycharm CE after that. I am able to chose the interpreter to be conda environment. But when I try using certain packages ...
I have installed Anaconda 3 and PyCharm CE after that. I am able to chose the interpreter to be Conda environment. But when I try using certain packages such as matplotlib it throws "Module not found error". When I run pip it returns saying that matplotlib is available.
26.07.2020 · So I open pycharm and pycharm cannot find those modules. I opened pycharm in two ways (clicking on the desktop icon, and simply typing "pycharm" at the anaconda prompt). Doesn't matter. pycharm can't find modules either way. I have read through a similar post "Module not found in PyCharm but externally in Python". There are numerous suggestions ...