pyecharts Document - pyecharts Document - pyecharts pyecharts Document Echarts is an open source library from Baidu for data visualization in javascript. It has awesome demo pages so I started to look out for an interface library so that I could use it in Python. I ended up with echarts-python on github but it lacks of documentation and was not updated for a while.
Documentation - pyecharts-en › en-us › documentationpyecharts Documentation pyecharts is a library to generate charts using Echarts. It simply provides the interface between Echarts and Python. First-steps Global-options xyAxis:x, y axis in cartesian coordinate system (Line, Bar, Scatter, EffectScatter, Kline) dataZoom:dataZoom components for zoom-in and zoom-out.
Documentation - Apache ECharts Specify the locale. There are two builtins: 'ZH' and 'EN'. Or you can use echarts.registerLocale to register a new locale. Or supported locales can be referenced in src/i18n. If no need to specify a theme, a null should be passed before opts . Example: const chart = echarts.init (dom, null, {renderer: 'svg'});
https://pyecharts.orgpyecharts. A Python Echarts Plotting Library. Chart: 30+ kinds of charts; Map: 300+ Chinese cities / 200+ countries and regions; Platforms: Pure Python ...
pyecharts Document - pyecharts › zh › latestpyecharts Document Echarts is an open source library from Baidu for data visualization in javascript. It has awesome demo pages so I started to look out for an interface library so that I could use it in Python. I ended up with echarts-python on github but it lacks of documentation and was not updated for a while.
Document - pyecharts
gallery.pyecharts.org项目基于 pyecharts 1.8.1 版本进行展示; Apache ECharts (incubating) 官方实例; 项目须知. 项目代码结构按照 pyecharts 支持的组件按大写字母顺序进行模块划分; 代码内有根据 1.8.1 版本的 pyecharts 所生成的可视化数据视图和官方的进行对比, 有列出能实现的功能以及未实现的 ...