Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> from pyhive import hive >>> conn = hive.Connection(host="",port=8889, ...
13.06.2017 · Hi, I'm a Hadoop newbie, so don't shoot me yet. I tried to set a hive connection as described here query-hive-using-python.html I want to set a hive connection using the hive.Connection with python 3.5.2 but the SASL package seems to cause a problem. I saw on a forum that SASL is compatible only wit...
pyhive configparser pandas hdfs thrift sqlparse sasl thrift-sasl. However, when using pyhive client to really connect hive server, or errors will be ...
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 ----- ERROR: Failed building wheel for sasl I thought it was a network access problem, tried qinghua source still not ah. pip install sasl -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
13.05.2017 · Python and hive are in different servers. can able to listen from the below server to that port. from pyhive import hive conn = hive.connect (host='172.16.0.XXX', port=10000, username='kotesh',auth='NOSASL') Connection is taking more time. …
12.10.2020 · Executing the script I get an error: I'm using windows, so I had to manually download and install SASL - sasl-0.2.1-cp37-cp37m-win32.whl. PyHive - 0.6.3, sasl - 0.2.1, thrift - 0.13.0, thrift-sasl - 0.4.2, thriftpy2 - 0.4.11 (not sure where that came from) I've seen a lot of questions and I've tried several things but I'm not able to run the ...
@SaucePan1 I had similar issue, I followed most of the steps suggested here in this thread, i.e set authentication to NONE, had latest version of all the packages (sasl, thrift, pyhive) but still did not work. Seems like only piece missing for me was plain kerberos plugin, so i did - yum install cyrus-sasl-plain. this was helpful
error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1 ----- ERROR: Failed building wheel for sasl I thought it was a network access problem, tried qinghua source still not ah. pip install sasl -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
I'm trying to get a table located in hive (hortonworks) ,to collect some twitter data to implement on a machine learning project, using pyhive since pyhs2 is not supported by python3.6. Here's my ...
cyrus-sasl-devel. - python-devel. - pyhive. when I used the sample code (complete code and error message : stackoverflow post). from pyhive import hive.
I've tried using PyHive but always get the error: ...could not start SASL... no ... To install PyHive you need some libraries: pip install sasl pip install ...