Installing PyQt4 — PyQt 4.11.4 Reference Guide › HET › SoftwareThe PyQt4 Python package will be installed in the directory <DIR>. The default is the Python installation’s site-packages directory. If you use this option then the PYTHONPATH environment variable must include <DIR>.--enable <MODULE>, -e <MODULE>¶ Normally all PyQt4 modules are enabled and are built if the corresponding Qt library can be found.
pyqt Tutorial => Installation of PyQt4 › pyqt › example$ apt-get install python-qt4 pyqt4-dev-tools qt4-designer OS X: Run this command in your command line: $ brew install pyqt Install Manually. You can also download the source code manually from here and then install and configure it yourself. Test your installation. If pyqt is installed correctly, you will be able to run the pyuic4 command. If it is installed correctly, you will see the following error:
Install pyqt - Python Tutorial pyqt. PyQt is often not installed by default. The PyQt module can be used to create desktop applications with Python. In this article you’ll learn how to install the PyQt module. Desktop applications made with PyQt are cross platform, they will work on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux computers (including Raspberry Pi).