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pyral github

RallyTools/RallyRestToolkitForPython: Python Toolkit for Rally
https://github.com › RallyTools
pyral - A Python toolkit for the Rally REST API ... The git repository is available at https://github.com/RallyTools/RallyRestToolkitForPython ...
python - PyRal getAttachment - Stack Overflow
23.04.2018 · I'm able to use getAttachmentNames (us) to return a list of attachment names. The issue arrises when i try something like. attachment_names = rally.getAttachmentNames (us) #get attachments for this UserStory attachment_file = rally.getAttachment (us, attachment_names [0]) #Try to get the first attachment.
pyral/rallyfire.py at master · klehman-rally/pyral - GitHub
https://github.com › pyral › blob
Python Toolkit for Rally. Contribute to klehman-rally/pyral development by creating an account on GitHub.
pyral - A Python toolkit for the Rally REST API - GitHub
github.com › RallyTools › RallyRestToolkitForPython
Jul 23, 2021 · The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Rally subscription using the popular and productive Python language. The pyral package provides a smooth and easy to use veneer on top of the Rally REST Web Services API using JSON. This package is once again branded as a 'Rally' toolkit.
pyral · PyPI
23.07.2021 · The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Rally subscription using the popular and productive Python language. The pyral package provides a smooth and easy to use veneer on top of the Rally REST Web Services API using JSON.. This package is once again branded as a ‘Rally’ toolkit. The era of “Agile Central” branding is over, …
pyral/README.short at master · klehman-rally/pyral · GitHub
https://github.com › pyral › blob
Python Toolkit for Rally. Contribute to klehman-rally/pyral development by creating an account on GitHub.
pyral/defrevs.py at master · klehman-rally/pyral - GitHub
https://github.com › blob › examples
Python Toolkit for Rally. Contribute to klehman-rally/pyral development by creating an account on GitHub.
pyral · PyPI
pypi.org › project › pyral
Jul 23, 2021 · Project description. The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Rally subscription using the popular and productive Python language. The pyral package provides a smooth and easy to use veneer on top of the Rally REST Web Services API using JSON. This package is once again branded as a ‘Rally’ toolkit.
pyral/interface.rst at master · klehman-rally/pyral · GitHub
Primary pyral classes and functions. For the most part, you'll only be utilizing two main entry points to the pyral package.. The first is the rallySettings convenience function that you'll use to obtain target and credential values. If you are using 1.1.x or beyond, you may want to alternatively use the rallyWorkset convenience function to obtain target and credential values if you intend …
pyral/crtask.py at master · klehman-rally/pyral - GitHub
https://github.com › blob › examples
Python Toolkit for Rally. Contribute to klehman-rally/pyral development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - RallyTools/RallyRestToolkitForPython: Python ...
23.07.2021 · pyral - A Python toolkit for the Rally REST API. The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Rally subscription using the popular and productive Python language. The pyral package provides a smooth and easy to use veneer on top of the Rally REST Web Services API using JSON.. This package is once again branded as a …
pyral/config.py at master · klehman-rally/pyral - GitHub
https://github.com › pyral › blob
Python Toolkit for Rally. Contribute to klehman-rally/pyral development by creating an account on GitHub.
pyral/overview.rst at master · klehman-rally/pyral - GitHub
https://github.com › doc › source
Python Toolkit for Rally. Contribute to klehman-rally/pyral development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHub - klehman-rally/pyral: Python Toolkit for Rally
github.com › klehman-rally › pyral
The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Rally subscription using the popular and productive Python language. The pyral package provides a smooth and easy to use veneer on top of the Rally REST Web Services API using JSON. This package is once again branded ...
markwilliams970/pyral-import-defects - GitHub
https://github.com › pyral-import-...
Contribute to markwilliams970/pyral-import-defects development by creating an account on GitHub.
pyral/entity.py at master · lenciel/pyral - GitHub
https://github.com › pyral › blob
Python Toolkit for Rally. Contribute to lenciel/pyral development by creating an account on GitHub.
lenciel/pyral: Python Toolkit for Rally - GitHub
https://github.com › lenciel › pyral
The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Rally subscription using the popular and productive Python language.
GitHub - lenciel/pyral: Python Toolkit for Rally
Python Toolkit for Rally. Contribute to lenciel/pyral development by creating an account on GitHub.
FreshPorts -- devel/py-pyral: Python toolkit for Agile ...
Port details: py-pyral Python toolkit for Agile Central (Rally) REST API 1.5.2 devel =0 1.5.2 Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. Maintainer: sunpoet@FreeBSD.org Port Added: 2017-08-17 16:31:56 Last Update: 2021-07-24 23:57:55 Commit Hash: f00df36 Also Listed In: python License: BSD3CLAUSE Description: The pyral package enables you to push, pull and …
pyral/overview.rst at master · klehman-rally/pyral · GitHub
github.com › klehman-rally › pyral
The pyral toolkit allows you to reference these fields without having to use the ' c_ ' prefix. For example, if your custom field has a DisplayName of 'Burnt Offerings Index' you can use the String of 'BurntOfferingsIndex' in a fetch clause or a query clause or refer to the field directly on an artifact as artifact.BurntOfferingsIndex.
pyral · GitHub Topics · GitHub
GitHub is where people build software. More than 65 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 200 million projects.
GitHub - klehman-rally/pyral: Python Toolkit for Rally
05.12.2021 · pyral - A Python toolkit for the Rally REST API. The pyral package enables you to push, pull and otherwise wrangle the data in your Rally subscription using the popular and productive Python language. The pyral package provides a smooth and easy to use veneer on top of the Rally REST Web Services API using JSON.. This package is once again branded as a …
pyral/overview.rst at master · klehman-rally/pyral · GitHub
The pyral toolkit allows you to reference these fields without having to use the ' c_ ' prefix. For example, if your custom field has a DisplayName of 'Burnt Offerings Index' you can use the String of 'BurntOfferingsIndex' in a fetch clause or a query clause or refer to the field directly on an artifact as artifact.BurntOfferingsIndex.
pyral/interface.rst at master · klehman-rally/pyral · GitHub
github.com › klehman-rally › pyral
Primary pyral classes and functions. For the most part, you'll only be utilizing two main entry points to the pyral package.. The first is the rallySettings convenience function that you'll use to obtain target and credential values.