pyserial - PyPI · Files for pyserial, version 3.5; Filename, size File type Python version Upload date Hashes; Filename, size pyserial-3.5.tar.gz (159.1 kB) File type Source Python version None Upload date Nov 23, 2020 Hashes View
pySerial — pySerial 3.4 documentation › en › latestThe last version of pySerial’s 2.x series was 2.7, compatible with Python 2.3 and newer and partially with early Python 3.x versions. pySerial 1.21 is compatible with Python 2.0 on Windows, Linux and several un*x like systems, MacOSX and Jython. On Windows, releases older than 2.5 will depend on pywin32 (previously known as win32all). WinXP ...
pySerial — pySerial 3.4 documentation last version of pySerial’s 2.x series was 2.7, compatible with Python 2.3 and newer and partially with early Python 3.x versions. pySerial 1.21 is compatible with Python 2.0 on Windows, Linux and several un*x like systems, MacOSX and Jython. On Windows, releases older than 2.5 will depend on pywin32 (previously known as win32all).