pysftp - PyPI · Change Log. 0.2.9 (current, released 2016-07-04) bugfix: correctly implement hostcheck. Now, be default pysftp will verify the host. See pysftp.CnOpts.hostkeys; added pysftp.Connection.remote_server_key - used to retrieve the remote hosts server key.; added support for enabling compression, compression (J. Kruth) added .active_compression, to …
Python: pysftp exception handling - Stack Overflow › questions › 61232360Python: pysftp exception handling. Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. I am using pysftp with Python 3.7 to setup an SFTP client script. import pysftp import sys # Variables destination_dir = 'BOGUS_DIR' server = '' user = 'my_user' key = 'my_key' port = 22 # cnopts mycnopts = pysftp.CnOpts () mycnopts.log = True mycnopts.compression = True mycnopts.ciphers = None mycnopts.hostkeys = None try: with pysftp.Connection (server, username=user, ...
pysftp - PyPI › project › pysftpJul 05, 2016 · Now, be default pysftp will verify the host. See pysftp.CnOpts.hostkeys. added pysftp.Connection.remote_server_key - used to retrieve the remote hosts server key. fixed an unwanted logging side-effect, after you set logging, it would remain, even if you closed the .Connection and couldn’t be changed to something else.
API — pysftp 0.2.8 documentation › en › release_0pysftp.reparent (newparent, oldpath) ¶ when copying or moving a directory structure, you need to re-parent the oldpath. When using os.path.join to calculate this new path, the appearance of a / root path at the beginning of oldpath, supplants the newparent and we don’t want this to happen, so we need to make the oldpath root appear as a ...