Python pysftp module - Javatpoint › python-pysftp-moduleDeleting a file using pysftp in Python We can remove a file with the help of pysftp using the sftp.remove () function. The remove () function expects the absolute path to the remote file as the first parameter. Let us consider the following example demonstrating the same. Example: # importing the required module import pysftp
API — pysftp 0.2.8 documentation › en › release_0If set to True, pysftp creates a temporary file and logs to that. If set to a valid path and filename, pysftp logs to that. The name of the logfile can be found at .logfile; Returns: (obj) connection to the requested host. Raises: ConnectionException – CredentialException – SSHException – AuthenticationException ...
API — pysftp 0.2.9 documentation › en › release_0remove(remotefile) ¶ remove the file @ remotefile, remotefile may include a path, if no path, then pwd is used. This method only works on files rename(remote_src, remote_dest) ¶ rename a file or directory on the remote host. rmdir(remotepath) ¶ remove remote directory security_options ¶ return the available security options recognized by paramiko.