02.01.2020 · Python can't find local files/modules. Posted January 2, 2020 36.9k views. Apache Python. I’m setting up a Flask application on Digitalocean and have Python 3.7 installed and the latest version of Flask.
My python somehow can't find any modules in the same directory.What am I doing wrong? (python2.7)So I have one directory '2014_07_13_test', with two files ...
Such a file is called a module; definitions from a module can be imported into other modules or into the main module (the collection of variables that you have ...
Apple can’t replace Python 2 with 3 in macOS because the inner workings of macOS still rely on functionality that’s present in Python 2, and that functionality might not exist— or it’ll just be different—in Python 3.
Apr 30, 2020 · Python project can't find modules inside of Docker. Bookmark this question. Show activity on this post. I'm trying to run a python project inside of docker using the following Dockerfile for machine learning purposes: FROM python:3 RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -yq --no-install-recommends \ python3 \ python3-pip RUN pip3 install ...
Nov 23, 2015 · Python doesn't go "up" directory levels to find packages for various reasons. And submodules can and do import siblings, but mostly packages are intended to be used by other programs (and installed into a system package directory), not necessarily to be programs in themselves. This part of python can be confounding, but it does make some sense.
This is caused by the fact that the version of Python you’re running your script with is not configured to search for modules where you’ve installed them. This happens when you use the wrong installation of pip to install packages. In general, each Python installation comes bundled with its own pip executable, used for installing packages.
Even if there is no initialisation code to run when the package is imported, an empty __init__.py file is still needed for the interpreter to find any modules ...
test.py import sys # append current python modules' folder path # example: need to import module.py present in '/path/to/python/module/not/in/syspath' ...
Jul 01, 2016 · Python then imports your package. You are able to successfully import core from setup.py because the path to the core directory is found in sys.path. You can see this yourself by running this snippet from your file: import sys for line in sys.path: print line. If you want to import core from a different file in your folder structure, you can ...
Jan 02, 2020 · Python can't find local files/modules. Posted January 2, 2020 36.9k views. Apache Python. I’m setting up a Flask application on Digitalocean and have Python 3.7 ...
22.11.2015 · Essentially, when you execute script.py directly, it doesn't know that it's part of a submodule of src, nor does it know where a module named src might be. This is the case in either python 2 or 3. As you know, Python finds modules based on the contents of sys.path.
19.10.2020 · Python: Can't find '__main__' module in. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 2 months ago. Active 1 year, 2 months ago. Viewed 3k times 0 I've got this python code where I would like to run from Windows Run. However, the cmd displays this message when I try an run it. C:\Users\myName\AppData ...