Python DateTime Format - Python Examples › python-datetime-formatYou can format a date string using datetime Python package. datetime package provides directives to access a specific part of date, time or datetime object of datetime package. First, we will present you all the directives (or wildcard characters) that could be used to format a date and time string. Then we will proceed with examples, on how to use these directive to construct a required format for date. Directives
String datetime - dag siden · Most of time, we get a date in form of a string and we usually need to parse to a DateTime object to perform some operations like date difference, weekday, month name, formatting and so on. strptime (string, format) The first parameter is the string representation, and the second uses predefined codes to parse date and time values from a string. doc …
Python strftime() - datetime to string - Programiz › python-programming › datetimeThe program below converts a datetime object containing current date and time to different string formats. from datetime import datetime now = # current date and time year = now.strftime("%Y") print("year:", year) month = now.strftime("%m") print("month:", month) day = now.strftime("%d") print("day:", day) time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") print("time:", time) date_time = now.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S") print("date and time:",date_time)