Python - Exceptions Handling in Python. An assertion is a sanity-check that you can turn on or turn off when you are done with your testing of the program. The easiest way to think of an assertion is to liken it to a raise-if statement (or to be more accurate, a raise-if-not statement). An expression is tested, and if the result comes up false, an exception is raised.
8. Errors and Exceptions — Python 3.10.1 documentation · 8.3. Handling Exceptions¶. It is possible to write programs that handle selected exceptions. Look at the following example, which asks the user for input until a valid integer has been entered, but allows the user to interrupt the program (using Control-C or whatever the operating system supports); note that a user-generated interruption is signalled by raising the …
Built-in Exceptions — Python 3.10.1 documentation › 3 › library2 days ago · exception UserWarning¶ Base class for warnings generated by user code. exception DeprecationWarning¶ Base class for warnings about deprecated features when those warnings are intended for other Python developers. Ignored by the default warning filters, except in the __main__ module . Enabling the Python Development Mode shows this warning.