Get Directory From Path in Python | Delft Stack › howto › pythonUse os.path.basename to Find Filename From the File Path in Python. The first and the easiest way to extract part of the file path in Python is to use the os.path.basename() function. This function returns the filename from the file path along with its extension. Plus, it works for all the Python versions. import os fpath='c:\Project\input.txt' os.path.basename(fpath) Output: Use os.path.splittext to Find Filename From the File Path in Python
How to get current directory and file path in Python, find ... › guide › pythonHow to get current file path in Python. The current file path is where the file is executing. 1. To get the executing file path, use os module. The __file__ attribute can help you find out where the file you are executing is located. import os full_path = os. path. realpath(__file__) file_path = os. path. dirname(full_path) print (file_path) Output: D:\Python_projects\demo\scripts\ 2.
python - How do I get the full path of the current file's ... › questions › 3430372from pathlib import Path #Returns the path of the directory, where your script file is placed mypath = Path().absolute() print('Absolute path : {}'.format(mypath)) #if you want to go to any other file inside the subdirectories of the directory path got from above method filePath = mypath/'data'/'fuel_econ.csv' print('File path : {}'.format(filePath)) #To check if file present in that directory or Not isfileExist = filePath.exists() print('isfileExist : {}'.format(isfileExist)) #To check if ...
Get directory of a file in Python - Codeigo › python › get-directory-of-a-fileI’ll show you two ways you can access the path to the current file. Get absolute path of a file. The quickest way to get the directory of the current file is to use a special variable called __file__ and pass it as an argument to the realpath method of the os.path function. import os real_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) print(real_path) This code returns an absolute path to the current file.