Import module in Python - GeeksforGeeks · Python modules can get access to code from another module by importing the file/function using import. The import statement is the most common way of invoking the import machinery, but it is not the only way. import module_name. When the import is used, it searches for the module initially in the local scope by calling __import__ () function.
python - `from ... import` vs `import .` - Stack Overflow › questions › 9439480Feb 25, 2012 · It depends on how you want to access the import when you refer to it. from urllib import request # access request directly. mine = request () import urllib.request # used as urllib.request mine = urllib.request () You can also alias things yourself when you import for simplicity or to avoid masking built ins: from os import open as open_ # lets you use without destroying the # built in open () which returns file handles.