python module dlls - Stack Overflow › questions › 214852So now this is the new way to make it work in python 3.8 and later: import os os.add_dll_directory ('my-app-dir') Again, the old way is still correct and you will have to use it in python 3.7 and older: import os os.environ ['PATH'] = 'my-app-dir' + os.pathsep + os.environ ['PATH'] After that my module with a dll dependency has been ...
Python import dll - Stack Overflow › questions › 5253854Mar 09, 2011 · import ctypes #here you load the dll into python mydllobject = ctypes.cdll.loadlibrary ("c:\\my\\path\\to\\mydll.dll") #it's important to assing the function to an object myfunctionobject = mydllobject.myfunctionname #define the types that your c# function return myfunctionobject.restype = ctypes.c_wchar_p #define the types that your c# function …
python module dlls - Stack Overflow now this is the new way to make it work in python 3.8 and later: import os os.add_dll_directory ('my-app-dir') Again, the old way is still correct and you will have to use it in python 3.7 and older: import os os.environ ['PATH'] = 'my-app-dir' + os.pathsep + os.environ ['PATH'] After that my module with a dll dependency has been ...
Python import dll - Stack Overflow · 3) Your python code is like this: import ctypes #Here you load the dll into python MyDllObject = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary ("C:\\My\\Path\\To\\MyDLL.dll") #it's important to assing the function to an object MyFunctionObject = MyDllObject.MyFunctionName #define the types that your C# function return MyFunctionObject.restype = ctypes.c_wchar_p # ...
Error importing Python module: DLL load failed - PyXLL › hc › en-gbJan 02, 2021 · If the Python extension module is importing correctly in this Python prompt but not in Excel then it's likely that the PATH is different when running in Excel. To check the PATH in Excel, create a new Python module (e.g. and add it to the list of modules in your pyxll.cfg file, updating pythonpath as well if necessary.