Oct 14, 2021 · You can directly import the desired module and python will be able to find it for you. Here is the command to add the folder to PYTHONPATH variable. Linux $ export PYTHONPATH='/home/ubuntu/Desktop/Folder_2' You can check if it has been added correctly using echo command. $ echo PYTHONPATH Windows $ set PYTHONPATH='C:\ubuntu\Desktop\Folder_2'
Apr 28, 2021 · Let’s suppose, we have two different folders, one contains main.py which is our main Python file where we want to import module1 from Folder_2. Directory Structure - Folder_1 - main.py - Folder_2 - module1.py Module1 contains two functions called add and odd_even. The function add will takes two arguments and return the addition of them.
17.06.2021 · Import Modules From Another Folder in Python Last Updated : 17 Jun, 2021 In this article, we are going to see how to import a module from another folder, While working on big projects we may confront a situation where we want to import a module from a different directory, here we will see the different ways to import a module form different folder.
15.04.2020 · In Python 3.3 onwards you don't need __init__.py files in your subdirectories for the purpose of imports. Having them can actually be misleading as it causes the creation of package namespaces in each folder containing an init file, as described here.. By removing all those __init__.py files you will be able to import files in the namespace package (including …
This is because python looks for files in a script's current directory only. Hence, we need to tell python to look at other directories as well if not found in ...
If you run it from your root folder (ie. application folder), you are probably fine with sys.path.append('.') then importing the module by using from app2 ...
Import Python Files From Another Directory. I've come across various ways to include files from other directories in python. At this time, none of my python ...
Python has a bit of a unique import system, if you’re trying to import files from a directory outside of your package, you might run into some trouble. By default Python does not allow importing files from arbitrary directories, but there is a workaround: you can add the directory to your PYTHONPATH env var or insert it into the sys.path variable.
The most Pythonic way to import a module from another folder is to place an empty file named __init__.py into that folder and use the relative path with the ...
28.04.2021 · ModuleNotFoundError, because by default python interpreter will check for the file in the current directory only, and we need to set the file path manually to import the modules from another directory.We can do this using various ways. These ways are discussed below in detail. Using sys module. We can use sys.path to add the path of the new different folder (the folder …
14.12.2019 · This is because python looks for files in a script’s current directory only. Hence, we need to tell python to look at other directories as well if not found in the current directory. This possible path to look for file is done using sys.path.insert(index, 'path/to/file') method.
Jun 24, 2021 · when importing a file, python only # searches the current directory, the directory that the # entry-point script is running from, and sys.path which includes # locations such as the package installation directory # (it's actually a little more complex than this, but this covers # most cases). # you can however, add to the path at runtime import …
Apr 16, 2020 · You can add the parent directory to PYTHONPATH, in order to achieve that, you can use OS depending path in the "module search path" which is listed in sys.path. So you can easily add the parent directory like following: import sys sys.path.insert (0, '..') from instance import config