Import a Module From a Full File Path in Python - Delft Stack › import-python-file-from-pathImport a Module With a Full File Path in Python 2 To import a Python file from a given path, use the Python libraries based on the Python version. This article explains how to import a module given the full path to the module in Python. Use the following libraries’ functions based on the Python version to import modules. For Python 3.5+, import importlib.util. For Python 3.3 and 3.4, import importlib.machinery, SourceFileLoader. For Python 2, import imp.
Python import module from path | Example code › python › python-importSep 27, 2021 · Using importlib Package. The importlib.util is one of the modules included in this package that can be used to import the module from the given path. import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location ("main", "modules/") foo = importlib.util.module_from_spec (spec) spec.loader.exec_module (foo) print (foo.var) Output: Hello main file.