When working in my plugin's main python function, I receive an AttributeError anytime I call a class method from within the class itself. For example the sample ...
26.07.2016 · Python: instance has no attribute. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 2 months ago. Active 5 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 119k times 20 3. I have a problem with list within a class in python. Here's my code : class Residues: def ...
03.12.2018 · message_as_bytes = message.as_bytes () # the message should converted from string to bytes. message_as_base64 = base64.urlsafe_b64encode (message_as_bytes) #encode in base64 (printable letters coding) raw = message_as_base64.decode () # need to JSON serializable (no idea what does it means) return {'raw': raw}
Python: instance has no attribute. I have a problem with list within a class in python. Here's my code : class Residues: def setdata(self, name): self.name ...
Your class doesn't have a __init__() , so by the time it's instantiated, the attribute atoms is not present. You'd have to do C.setdata('something') so ...
03.03.2014 · im new to python and am struggling to understand why i keep getting "AttributeError: worker instance has no attribute 'workerNo'" when i call …
This is really late, but in case anyone has this problem again, as I did, and looks here, hopefully this helps them. Some text editors such as Sublime Text occasionally mess up the tabs, so the spacing you see in the text editor is not necessarily what Python sees.
01.02.2020 · An attribute error occurs when the Python interpreter is not able to find the particular attribute in the object asked, i.e you make an invalid attribute reference by accessing the value of the attribute or assigning an attribute value to a Python object that does not possess that attribute. A very simple and basic example of this is