Python 列表(List) | 菜鸟教程 -列表是最常用的Python数据类型,它可以作为一个方括号内的逗号分隔值出现。 列表的数据项不需要具有相同的类型 创建一个列表,只要把逗号分隔的不同的数据项使用方括号括起来即可。 如下所示: list1 = ['physics', 'chemistry', 1997, 2000] list2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] list3 = ["a", "b", "c", "d"] 与字符串的索引一样,列表索引从0开始。 列表可以进行截取、组合等。 访问列表中的值 使用下标索 …
Python Lists - GeeksforGeeks › python-listJan 05, 2022 · Python Lists Python Tuples Python Sets Python Dictionary Python Arrays Control Flow Python if else Chaining comparison operators in Python Python For Loops Python While Loop Python break statement Python Continue Statement Python pass Statement Looping Techniques in Python Functions Python Functions *args and **kwargs in Python
Python List of Lists - Python Examples List of Lists is a Python list containing elements that are Lists. We know that a Python List can contain elements of any type. So, if we assign Python lists for these elements, we get a Python List of Lists. Python List of Lists is similar to a two dimensional array. Inner lists can have different sizes. Define Python List of Lists