Here is a way to logically break down this sort of error: " module object is not callable . Python is telling me my code trying to call something that cannot be ...
The main reason behind TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable in Python is because the user is confused between Class name and Module name. The issue occurs in the import line while importing a module as module name and class name have the same name. Here, the compiler gets confused between function name and module name and it is trying ...
You will get this error when you call a module object instead of calling a class or function inside that module object. In Python, a callable object must be a ...
Apr 17, 2021 · Traceback (most recent call last ): File "", line 4, in < module > os () TypeError: 'module' object is not callable. In the above example, we have imported the module “os” and then try to run the same “os” module name as a function. And as we can see In the module “os” there is no function with the name “os” therefore ...
17.04.2021 · Traceback (most recent call last ): File "", line 4, in < module > os () TypeError: 'module' object is not callable. In the above example, we have imported the module “os” and then try to run the same “os” module name as a function. And as we can see In the module “os” there is no function with the name “os” therefore ...
May 28, 2021 · It says module object is not callable, because your code is calling a module object. A module object is the type of thing you get when you import a module. What you were trying to do is to call a class object within the module object that happens to have the same name as the module that contains it. Here is a way to logically break down this ...
Jan 06, 2022 · 1. from module_name import *. If you try to call a module as if it were a function, for example. In. Python. module_name () 1. module_name() then you’ll raise the error: TypeError: ‘module’ object is not callable.
This occurs if you try to call an object that’s not callable. A callable object can be a class or a method that implements the ‘ __call__ ’ method. The reason for this may be (1) confusion between a module name and a class/function name inside that module or (2) an incorrect class or function call. Reason 1: Let us have a look at an ...
27.05.2021 · It says module object is not callable, because your code is calling a module object. A module object is the type of thing you get when you import a module. What you were trying to do is to call a class object within the module object that happens to have the same name as the module that contains it. Here is a way to logically break down this ...
This error statement TypeError: 'module' object is not callable occurs when the user gets confused between Class name and Module name. The issue occurs in the ...