Python JSON Module Tutorial - w3resource › JSON › python-json-moduleFeb 26, 2020 · Encode Python objects as JSON strings. The above method serialize obj as a JSON formatted stream to fp (a .write ()-supporting file-like object) using the following conversion table. The default value of skipkeys is False. If skipkeys is True, then dict keys that are not of a basic type (str, int, float, bool, None) will be skipped instead of ...
json5 · PyPI › project › json5The json5.tool command line tool no longer supports reading from multiple files, you can now only read from a single file or from standard input. The implementation no longer relies on the standard json module for anything. The output should still match the json module (except as noted above) and discrepancies should be reported as bugs.
python-json-logger · PyPI › project › python-json-loggerJul 27, 2021 · This library is provided to allow standard python logging to output log data as json objects. With JSON we can make our logs more readable by machines and we can stop writing custom parsers for syslog type records. News. Hi, I see this package is quiet alive and I am sorry for ignoring it so long.