After fighting long found the way it works. Python 3.4 version. Actually as many say you can download the six package as .zip file and extract the content in the "site packages" folder (C:\Python34\Lib\site-packages) so that the file that includes "six" module is belong read from there.
6. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. Downgrade your scikit-learn version: In jupyter notebook: !pip install --upgrade scikit-learn==0.20.3. In terminal: pip install --upgrade scikit-learn==0.20.3. After that, the code will recognize the sklearn.external.six module.
19.12.2012 · six is a Python module. The python command may refer to Python2.. It is possible that you are confusing Python2 and Python3, or that you confused the Python version number this module applies to. six for Python2 is distinct from six for Python3.. If installing six still does not work via pip, consider running Python3 instead.
02.12.2019 · Fix Python ImportError: No module named ‘six’ Error: A Beginner Guide – Python Tutorial. By admin | December 2, 2019. 0 Comment. Python ImportError: No module named ‘six ...
May 07, 2020 · @DavidMaze, pipenv was only used to manage dependencies, not the venv, because I kept running into "Module not found 'six'" errors on CI. That should change once I get a solution to this problem. – Sprookd
You need to install it on your system. This basically means putting the zip file where Python can find it, but by far the easiest way is pip install six .
I am running Python 2.7 on a Windows 7 OSHere is what I run:>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Then I get this:Traceback (most recent call last): File ...
Dec 20, 2012 · six is a Python module. The python command may refer to Python2. It is possible that you are confusing Python2 and Python3, or that you confused the Python version number this module applies to. six for Python2 is distinct from six for Python3. If installing six still does not work via pip, consider running Python3 instead.
The most likely reason is that Python doesn't provide six in its standard library. You need to install it first! Before being able to import the Pandas module, ...