How to catch EOFError Exception in Python? › How-to-catch-EOFErrorDec 06, 2017 · Python Server Side Programming Programming An EOFError is raised when a built-in function like input () or raw_input () do not read any data before encountering the end of their input stream. The file methods like read () return an empty string at the end of the file. The given code is rewritten as follows to catch the EOFError and find its type.
Python Exception Handling - EOFError - Airbrake › blog › pythonThe EOFError is raised by Python in a handful of specific scenarios: When the input () function is interrupted in both Python 2.7 and Python 3.6+, or when input () reaches the end of a file unexpectedly in Python 2.7. Throughout this article we’ll examine the EOFError by seeing where it resides in the overall Python Exception Class Hierarchy.