Python Examples of sqlalchemy.sql - › python › exampledef add_note(db, server, user, text): id_query = select([sqlalchemy.sql.expression.func.max(table.c.note_id).label("maxid")]) \ .where(table.c.user == user.lower()) max_id = db.execute(id_query).scalar() if max_id is None: note_id = 1 else: note_id = max_id + 1 query = table.insert().values( note_id=note_id, connection=server, user=user.lower(), text=text, deleted=False, ) db.execute(query) db.commit()
Python Examples of sqlalchemy.or_ - › python › exampleExample 22. Project: daf-recipes Author: italia File: License: GNU General Public License v3.0. 6 votes. def run(self, query): assert isinstance(query, dict) # no support for faceting atm self.facets = {} limit = min(1000, int(query.get('rows', 10))) q = query.get('q') ourq = model.Session.query('active') def makelike(field): _attr = getattr(model.Package, field) return _attr.ilike('%' + term + '%') if q and q not in ('""', "''", '*:*'): terms = q ...
Flask SQLAlchemy (with Examples) - Python Tutorial › flask-sqlalchemyFlask SQLAlchemy (with Examples) Using raw SQL in the Flask Web application to perform CRUD operations on the database can be cumbersome. Instead, SQLAlchemy, the Python Toolkit is a powerful OR Mapper, which provides application developers with the full functionality and flexibility of SQL. Flask-SQLAlchemy is a Flask extension that adds support for SQLAlchemy to the Flask application.