一个好用的预训练库timm(PyTorch) - 知乎
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/377060514[TOC] 无意中发现的一个好用的预训练模型库timm. 0、简介. timm is a deep-learning library created by Ross Wightman and is a collection of SOTA computer vision models, layers, utilities, optimizers, schedulers, data-loaders, augmentations and also training/validating scripts with ability to reproduce ImageNet training results.. 这个库可以算是torchvision.models 的扩展 ...
timm · PyPI
pypi.org › project › timmIntroduction. Py T orch Im age M odels ( timm) is a collection of image models, layers, utilities, optimizers, schedulers, data-loaders / augmentations, and reference training / validation scripts that aim to pull together a wide variety of SOTA models with ability to reproduce ImageNet training results.
Pytorch Image Models (timm) | timmdocs
https://fastai.github.io/timmdocs09.03.2021 · Pytorch Image Models (timm) `timm` is a deep-learning library created by Ross Wightman and is a collection of SOTA computer vision models, layers, utilities, optimizers, schedulers, data-loaders, augmentations and also training/validating scripts with ability to reproduce ImageNet training results. Install.
Customizing timm models for python
pythonawesome.com › customizing-timm-models-for-pythonNov 29, 2021 · timm_custom Description In the case of your data having only 1 channel while want to use timm models (with or without pretrained weights), run the following command to get the model with appropriate number of input channels. python load_timm.py --model "densenet" --model_depth 121 --pretrained True --num_classes=4 --n_input_channels 1 Argument
Pytorch Image Models (timm) | timmdocs
fastai.github.io › timmdocsMar 09, 2021 · Pytorch Image Models (timm) `timm` is a deep-learning library created by Ross Wightman and is a collection of SOTA computer vision models, layers, utilities, optimizers, schedulers, data-loaders, augmentations and also training/validating scripts with ability to reproduce ImageNet training results. Install How to use Create a model