xlwings · PyPI
https://pypi.org/project/xlwings16.12.2021 · xlwings PRO. The purpose of xlwings PRO is to finance the continued maintenance and enhancement of xlwings. This will allow you to rely on the package without being left with the dreaded “this library currently has no active maintainers” message that happens to too many open-source packages after a couple of years.. To get access to the additional functionality of …
Deployment - xlwings Documentation
docs.xlwings.org › en › stableIf you name your zip file like your Excel file (but with .zip extension) and place it in the same folder as your Excel workbook, xlwings will automatically find it (similar to how it works with a single python file). If you want to use a different directory, make sure to add it to the PYTHONPATH in your config (Ribbon or config file ...
Deployment - xlwings Documentation
https://docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/deployment.htmlIf you name your zip file like your Excel file (but with .zip extension) and place it in the same folder as your Excel workbook, xlwings will automatically find it (similar to how it works with a single python file). If you want to use a different directory, make sure to add it to the PYTHONPATH in your config (Ribbon or config file):
Python API - xlwings Documentation
docs.xlwings.org › en › stablePython API¶ Top-level functions¶ xlwings. load (index = 1, header = 1, chunksize = 5000) ¶ Loads the selected cell(s) of the active workbook into a pandas DataFrame. If you select a single cell that has adjacent cells, the range is auto-expanded (via current region) and turned into a pandas DataFrame.
Add-in & Settings - xlwings Documentation
https://docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/addin.htmlThe xlwings add-in is the preferred way to be able to use the Run main button, RunPython or UDFs . Note that you don’t need an add-in if you just want to manipulate Excel by running a Python script. Note The ribbon of the add-in is compatible with Excel >= 2007 on Windows and >= 2016 on Mac. On Mac, all UDF related functionality is not available.
Automate Excel with Python (Open Source and Free)
www.xlwings.orgPython for Excel. Latest xlwings release: v0.25.3 xlwings is open source and free, comes preinstalled with Anaconda and WinPython, and works on Windows and macOS.. Automate Excel via Python scripts or Jupyter notebooks, call Python from Excel via macros, and write user-defined functions (UDFs are Windows-only).