A simple CNN with Pytorch - Tom Roth
https://tomroth.com.au/pytorch-cnnFor example, if x is given by a 16x1 tensor. x.view(4,4) reshapes it to a 4x4 tensor. You can write -1 to infer the dimension on that axis, based on the number of elements in x and the shape of the other axes. For example, x.view(2,-1) returns a Tensor of shape 2x8. Only one axis can be inferred.
1d cnn pytorch - e-4u.info
e-4u.info/1d-cnn-pytorch.html05.04.2020 · U-Net (1D CNN) with Pytorch. squeeze return t. 1 在tansorflow 中: conv1d (value,filter,stride,padding) conv1d (in_ ch a nn el,out_ ch a nn el,kernel_size 1D CNN on Pytorch: mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (10x3 and 10x2) I have a time series with sample of 500 size and 2 types of labels and want to construct a 1D CNN with pytorch on them: Oct 01, …